Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “webstorm-tech”
December 15, 2023
Add NuGet Registries
Version updated for webstorm-tech/add-nuget-registry-action to version v0.1.27.
This action is used across all versions by 1 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes What’s Changed This adds a series of Dependabot updates for various dependencies and introduces a new tagging strategy. Similar to how many of the GitHub created actions work, you can now pin to the major, major/minor, or full semantic version of this action.
November 22, 2023
Add NuGet Registries
Version updated for webstorm-tech/add-nuget-registry-action to version v0.1.16.
This action is used across all versions by 1 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes Summary This is the first official release of the add-nuget-registry-action! 🎉
This action was built to allow developers and teams to safely add a private or protected NuGet registry to their workflow without the risk of introducing URLs and/or credentials into the repository.