Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “unikraft”
November 22, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.9.4.
This action is used across all versions by 9 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.9.4 (2024-11-21T21:34:07Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features a3a4be76981588994051694abf004f37b1a78315: feat(pkg): Recognize the --label flag when packaging a kernel (#1968) (@nderjung) 🐛 Bug Fixes b64f58fa40fec00a11fbf173db01966e0e75600e: fix(github-action): Properly handle configuration (and auth) seeding (#1966) (@craciunoiuc) c204c3806f3d3c1f2e2eb06f9e4d3bb44b88d253: fix(pkg): Minor fixes affecting packaging kernel (#1967) (@craciunoiuc) 492e174d8dc2e22a419b3f3fb6424232e590a549: fix(qemu): Allow listing over instances which cannot be queried over QMP (#1965) (@craciunoiuc)
November 19, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.9.3.
This action is used across all versions by 9 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.9.3 (2024-11-19T15:59:38Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features e44ef1eeb6e2bd05845c81abe4b4b03c50c86d11: feat(action): Add option to skip building (#1960) (@nderjung) c2596c6d3797ab2e4d4c1ab613b7c37bae2bb2cd: feat(buildenvs): Add ‘gomplate’ to the github action (#1907) (@nderjung) 4847d17724f99847c73960f9a314d5b96a49dc0d: feat(cloud): Add option to prompt select metro (#1891) (@nderjung) a12857e2ccd19f4ee2eca8ad13fbff1ecb31aaec: feat(deploy): Expose the entrypoint flag (#1868) (@craciunoiuc) c71f600be5147104a6376c35cd0234f1237f4ff0: feat(initrd): Support Dockerfile secrets, targets and build arguments (#1870) (@craciunoiuc) 0208c45b9a6cd35732bbf4895ab8ca510ccfed85: feat(kconfig): Introduce Walk and minor fixes (#1855) (@craciunoiuc) c8f5da5ad8d039a36211c78575d1f4c319a9464e: feat(kraft): Introduce global CPU profiling env var (#1865) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes f9a339632a9c0009c17692d9f14f41fe4b59927e: fix(cloud): Also pass volumes when deploying (#1947) (@nderjung) 5cc772a50326d3d147c7894a05f11ad5e5ac56e7: fix(cloud): Small fixes for compose commands (#1871) (@nderjung) b918178146f67c9d1d61847cc750bfd158b5ebbf: fix(initrd): Ensure proper ordering and checks of (docker)files (#1964) (@craciunoiuc) e08cf57049fadcdb5248f324073160fd9a763bfe: fix(initrd): Remove check to allow different formats (#1957) (@marcrittinghaus) 442234bc41bc4ac6318cb76da99a616703c0568a: fix(initrd): Use stat as a more robust mechanic for checking a file (#1963) (@craciunoiuc) f145484bfdb3905b7a2a27a8793a3c5f92e12475: fix(internal): Add sanity check for empty runtime (#1915) (@nderjung) 0d5eff76f704d22c127c9b6f320a5773667ed0b1: fix(internal): Check if volume is populated also (#1962) (@nderjung) 547a32478e3469c8680c0ca025b051ef9d7f967d: fix(internal): Only set options if not set on cli (#1916) (@nderjung) 16864a9e31e3c9d9cef8d76fbfc166e2b039e077: fix(machine): Also register option and disable passthrough (#1948) (@nderjung) eda0526558668d26f2361a8151dabb567f97de19: fix(machine): Disable passthrough to allow sudo-less runs (#1946) (@nderjung) bbc12f356abcce2e0ed8cda7a1c73205847ab585: fix(oci): Remove creation time for consistent hashes (#1869) (@nderjung) 984d042c3a55a8bdd604ff168977d240d6b49975: fix(qemu): Correctly forward multiple ports (#1961) (@nderjung) 8497e2256cbffbdb6423658d4783ce040da3d12f: fix(workflows): Bump upload action before deprecation (#1956) (@nderjung) d919e8f2844bf9634ed4513638f5a9498448789e: fix(workflows): Set context when building dockerfile (#1866) (@nderjung) 🤖 Bumps 31fc4d28ece2ac11462fe07c4a653d8cb79d3012: build(deps): Bump github.
August 21, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.9.2.
This action is used across all versions by 7 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.9.2 (2024-08-21T10:24:44Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features b7229cd89331f610819b7741490fad0358330947: feat(cloud): Introduce new ‘vcpu’ fields (#1856) (@nderjung) e7bad5cad75ee48382b760546fc4b226557057e8: feat(log): Set log-level timestamps to nano-level precision (#1833) (@craciunoiuc) 5398244f7ad235452ffa600d13d421455c3f75b2: feat(machine): Bump qemu to use all CPU features (#1854) (@razvand) 🐛 Bug Fixes 9942c630a75556264b85614409682f1c1caef200: fix(cloud): Fetch status when also running (#1837) (@nderjung) 207e5eccecdec6589d0874a38552d2880dba73d8: fix(cloud): Several changes to volume commands (#1846) (@nderjung) e654ddb80f0e443ac37fd0df68774a606bfdec77: fix(create): Allow more than one port (#1831) (@nderjung) e7842df56b34b8b026efb978ca3be11f82755993: fix(oci): Fully enable using config auths (#1836) (@nderjung) 🤖 Bumps 8f81359d096dbfb147884a1564b5d30a17ed9ea9: build(deps): Bump github.
August 6, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.9.1.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.9.1 (2024-08-05T16:24:34Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes 2e45210089d18acb58884cdbec15057bc3b1389b: fix!: Propagate Docker auths to BuildKit (#1820) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes ab0553e041eb4a1250c2358bc5ce210b516d665e: fix(Makefile): Pin version to match new package version (#1828) (@nderjung) e4594faa01cc7080b3ce12e33f0ed920bdac679e: fix(cloud): Correctly set default enum attributes (#1819) (@craciunoiuc) 30d6ab4c1dc1a6e00efd6c17cd0902992783c22b: fix(kraft): Handle better error messages and prevent preemptive checks (#1822) (@craciunoiuc) 20404bdff480cbbdc1d05a64f397f300ede9cbc9: fix(workflows): Move setup to correct place (#1830) (@nderjung) 9d468e931a549d3ea573715013b4baa87ef33cff: fix(workflows): Setup docker in the actions (#1829) (@nderjung) 1fc64fbbc56fb98f4590b1fdaeeb4fbffe8edd28: fix: Testing fixes and adapting to the latest version (#1811) (@nderjung) 7a7741a489b6d1b50443751894d72536666ebc21: fix: Update help information & others (#1812) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps be9e46d9620e219ce7e334dae6659d21ab63cd35: gomod(deps): Bump github.
July 26, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.9.0.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.9.0 (2024-07-26T12:55:43Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes 38abcdc0e22b54341efc4b21046f57d805511cba: feat(cloud)!: Introduce ‘scale-to-zero’ stand-alone flags (#1756) (@razvand) 4409232de6764b861c723b316e67d1a6bd3cb3ba: fix!: Major improvements to kraft cloud compose (#1678) (@craciunoiuc) be0d6acba094ce0e629fd7555c3598306de0d781: refactor!: Replace ‘service group’ in favour of ‘service’ (#1752) (@nderjung) 06ce09e5b435534a6ea87d9b37535d94dc471a99: refactor(tunnel)!
May 29, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.7.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.7 (2024-05-29T15:14:48Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 06b44da8aeea52996ced350708655ed9e444caf1: feat(Makefile): Enable verbose Go builds (#1646) (@craciunoiuc) ffc6a0dfaa64fb6c44e779f691e17aabdc787bad: feat(cloud): Add create command for certificates (#1662) (@nderjung) 675ba4c3a97caec12730aeff9f48c68e818efa47: feat(cloud): Introduce image quota output (#1620) (@nderjung) 192c128ac08ae20e3385486ec797a5d4073cc521: feat(compose): Support container_name property (#1632) (@nderjung) e95202f0b5a47e18fe671f46cc0ed3d11c8f6742: feat(compose): Support depends_on property (#1634) (@nderjung) 72bf8b45b63b7429a2832730cbf024676c5abe72: feat(create): Support dns, hostname and domainname (#1633) (@nderjung) b6124468edc51998d6883cd211eb1565b407c156: feat(deploy): Inform about image quota limit on fail (#1619) (@nderjung) b882cbf2b2eaa2c7cf54f384dc6c6fa6e39d5211: feat(workflows): Generic workflow to build all arch/plat combos (#1643) (@craciunoiuc) 8160e8dbaee274531112d90ebebbc4ca650ecaa7: feat: Add target to build all binary artifacts (#1642) (@craciunoiuc) 6479a1dd61f9c68961dedfa256b1b1ce1a429ea6: feat: Use remote OCI image references as rootfs element (#1630) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes 88f392cb71fdb4d6acb6f2fea01a13cc56034740: fix(Makefile): Correct verbosity (#1661) (@craciunoiuc) 404e318c61c0d7000e22e32cdfbca7ae69441453: fix(action): Dynamically wait for buildkit to start (#1637) (@nderjung) 47448999504de2953df134aa059ad97500529dca: fix(build): Handle presence of non-existent Dockerfile (#1664) (@craciunoiuc) ec918137fce3e7639781ed85e8a303156176be66: fix(compose): Dont assign already used IP addresses (#1635) (@nderjung) 16c9ca79bc15c4f425a381bc599014f68d29211a: fix(config): Fallback to KraftCloud token from environment (#1658) (@craciunoiuc) a5eff7e6844a13e743ed0a04abb9a89407613b70: fix(import): Statically define the import name (#1647) (@craciunoiuc) 8a5fb081b75ea718a5119264b9b7445705e554c6: fix(initrd): Correctly handle all file types (#1641) (@nderjung) 463ab29a8ba77053e2565a3c48b5bfa15ca7b4d4: fix(initrd): Do not ignore links when unpacking tar archive (#1640) (@nderjung) 84b5ea595bef8123b2475212bb433a1bf14607cd: fix(kraft): Fix issue related to empty application arguments (#1622) (@craciunoiuc) cb30969021e32bc2d2d38f6822f2993d9a1ba4dd: fix(oci): Don’t delete dependencies of index (#1638) (@nderjung) 37da65107f7d6ce4b62931794db55dc190350241: fix(pkg): Handle potentially nil Project (#1663) (@craciunoiuc) 7001f2e0d68842749b3456f5b779c316dc29b8a9: fix(test): Adjust cloud test state check to match new behaviour (#1618) (@nderjung) 3bb03769ce56a143e189d3a1bde6231268c85858: fix(volume): Use vimport as import name (#1631) (@craciunoiuc) b46a3f65feac5ad9665efc4a3771a382f3e60a2c: fix(webinstall): Respect dependency installation (#1636) (@craciunoiuc) edb83421c572bbfe65a4d7627e643cf4895f2d72: fix(webinstall): Various logic and aesthetic changes (#1657) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps 18a01cb9b672f00ed58ef0d646c3ae37c7e1b191: build(deps): Bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 5 to 6 (#1655) (@nderjung) 0a8330fed8649ef6d930c6b7eafbce22fd018614: build(deps): Bump taskmedia/action-conventional-commits from 1.
April 30, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.6.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.6 (2024-04-29T19:50:21Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 3b6315f4e78eabc303bad3a0863ec95c2b14f26c: feat(create): Assign memory to VM (#1616) (@nderjung) ffbc9ee4b50f98792342b51c76bd609d1730709d: feat(github-action): Bump to latest kraftkit (#1593) (@nderjung) 40e793cd3c561fa34818f8f9d3a9225af8c76bad: feat(webinstall): Don’t reprompt for sudo (#1599) (@nderjung) 🐛 Bug Fixes fdc2a33489b1734e17b3205d6abe4b1241f89db5: fix(action): Bump buildkit container in the action (#1595) (@nderjung) 161334cde103e4305b7f4e0329af0a5b1f24e255: fix(iostreams): If enabled, proxy the color to ansi.
April 24, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.5.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.5 (2024-04-23T19:57:20Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes c7f0921b5c4dab8d7e028868dc8e7036b3fb25f0: feat(initrd)!: Bump buildkit and export OCI information from it (#1575) (@nderjung) 1229d5b33305f80b364f2e26e05cded792a0d5f4: refactor(deploy)!: Introduce --follow and re-purpose -f flag (#1591) (@craciunoiuc) 🚀 New Features 3da3f852a7cfee9f254b430ea3c7770eff067d2b: feat(compose): Introduce --remove-orphans flag (#1587) (@nderjung) 03d12d58cfedde4c80896f1f1cb3cf46d2434607: feat(compose): Support named volumes (#1589) (@nderjung) e6a9a804d05568dad677138c8b0eeede23a17e12: feat(kraft): Introduce the volume subcommand (#1540) (@nderjung) 334eaa97b780920f3f71d9a8286d5db3df9eb161: feat(up): Parse, create and mount service volumes (#1588) (@craciunoiuc) 10daeb764e5d2748dce2287fa275c4313ca6b615: feat(up): Support the containername attribute (#1592) (@craciunoiuc) 6c569708b6d1360933515b40471840a9e0745b38: feat(utils): Use colors to indicate bar level (#1590) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps cbf36e2bed82361f02034a99e9bc2979cbd3283f: build(deps): Bump golang.
April 19, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.4.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.4 (2024-04-18T17:01:01Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes 82e9cc69a3588f7e6814f0a79a026e6c1d20be5a: feat!: Improve quotas display (#1568) (@craciunoiuc) 🚀 New Features 79ce693d69833356ac5c5ff334626d2d94505396: feat(bridge): Allow arbitrary network length (#1556) (@nderjung) 1edd84134633f7734a19f26be244736ea08c80e7: feat(compose): Accept args and improve CLI (#1548) (@nderjung) 297da25a827902f057fac67f754c20fee9453c7b: feat(compose): Support attach, external and ports fields (#1553) (@nderjung) 64b1dcfa2b9aedf2760ece5b120b610f4468a77a: feat(utils): Add better stop reason and code reporting (#1557) (@craciunoiuc) 5e51f02243d39edb03c19a230b3ba9e249e01c89: feat(utils): Add stop reason hints in list view (#1572) (@craciunoiuc) 4a540a5c9c7e54e1499b0f5808e4edc1bcbb576a: feat(workflows): Several pipeline fixes to ease releases (#1555) (@nderjung) 2e2a60333a57e53081e3300e74fef14c84585361: feat: Several adjustments to log messages (#1573) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes be42b0b12dfdc13b5d01d54e438f4763449a8ad4: fix(cloud): Correctly propagate --restart flag to deploy + create (#1560) (@craciunoiuc) 9801ea996d614aabfd9f8b8d320ff4740c7d1c6f: fix(cloud): Misc fixes affecting rollouts (#1554) (@craciunoiuc) 7065a458669ac2599e55ebe7a46edda620004599: fix(cloud): Test fixes and several bug fixes (#1569) (@nderjung) bf708b1bff4b5c0e4176b48ffac68cb5581c67f1: fix(cmdfactory): Correctly parse duration values (#1563) (@craciunoiuc) 6a9c42eb3131d68572d9d0de6a299f0e2a4dda4b: fix(compose): Fix incorrect name used in re-hydrated args slice (#1574) (@craciunoiuc) 7d73c7a04407dc6908a74dcf1fb2ba5be88ba3be: fix(processtree): Always show left text in no-render mode (#1562) (@craciunoiuc) b47cbf4d9f0db837a18912291f7b1e4e61b36209: fix(qemu): Show first line after receiving “Booting from ROM” (#1564) (@craciunoiuc) 4a79c321e48463264bb7323204b22fc65eff83e7: fix(tableprinter): Do not render spaces in attribute name (#1565) (@craciunoiuc) 247143a291cd9fe5378498f7ef1a19dfa04e1827: fix(up): Correctly associate new instances with existing service groups (#1559) (@craciunoiuc) 9d7e779ff81aa183f96398272280bfa0c1d601c2: fix(utils): Do not print autoscale limit as graph (#1571) (@craciunoiuc) fec5f756091192c98bfca9b4ef039a2f0e456207: fix(utils): Rename services to exposed services (#1570) (@craciunoiuc) 33f08751224fed998eb7853bc58715dcab6333a7: fix: Misc fixes handling correct image name and identifier (#1558) (@craciunoiuc) 6b34cc9857eff977e277829a81a91f7f43dafd73: fix: Small fixes resolving naming and nil-pointers (#1552) (@LucaSeri) 🐒 Miscellaneous 17dd85baaca9871fc2c2bc8064a6176da33be309: refactor(get): Use list as default output type (#1566) (@craciunoiuc) f6ca38590b24e7d533dd24e5a937a3978aef51c0: refactor(initialize): Use init as default subcommand name (#1567) (@craciunoiuc)
April 17, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.3.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.3 (2024-04-16T17:00:32Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 91b541f79eaf9b9edd21b6f86ab287b1c4268fab: feat(cloud): Add https:// prefix to FQDN for relevant services (#1550) (@craciunoiuc) 121bd15780d67e41e32c7c66016248396e9e2843: feat(compose): Introduce kraft cloud compose commands (#1532) (@nderjung) 54c5745584d197f5121db223217270761d98ec6a: feat(create): Add environment variables (#1536) (@nderjung) abbd3b5509da6e7564f452db8c4a14965891857f: feat(internal): Expose restart and stop fields (#1539) (@nderjung) 7bef20a7a4c6c65d280f3ac96dbfdbcf91fd5d91: feat(internal): Fix error parsing for ‘start’ and add ‘–all’ flag (#1526) (@craciunoiuc) 8a1146e89ea32898ac8d6ef3c12cdf0255ce21da: feat(kraft): Warn if the user has invoked kraft via sudo (#1355) (@craciunoiuc) 1f3487e1c216deb6e966a67da33baaadca2d4c91: feat: Introduce environmental variables (#1463) (@nderjung) 🐛 Bug Fixes a9e17bcdac6db1d679fbb65196e2b634f2e6035a: fix(cloud): Use cyan for better readability (#1549) (@nderjung) 6338bfad4271254a56f70146ac97044c848fb7a8: fix(compose): Remove race (#1534) (@nderjung) 21913b4343662c4fd8aa7a49696193176d1c166b: fix(internal): Add missing parameter to a cloud command example (#1541) (@nderjung) 270f540b98c8fd674e207df20b17a0b913701b46: fix(internal): Also print UUID field name (#1525) (@craciunoiuc) 06e66ab1ecb98e98476cf78ae0d0fb51cc4b7afd: fix(internal): Do not allow setting domains on existing service groups (#1538) (@nderjung) 🤖 Bumps 516a8ad10fd2766b952eb8eb2d05160b7aec9f4e: gomod(deps): Bump github.
April 5, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.2.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.2 (2024-04-05T15:47:42Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes 3cfb5204713cb68ef73228018813187c9aee3e41: feat(internal)!: Switch to multiple subdomains/domains (#1510) (@craciunoiuc) d72294ac1cdf4539a1fadbd6baf8fe1d58e293ed: refactor(cloud)!: Improve rollout strateg(ies) (#1511) (@craciunoiuc) 🚀 New Features ab6d511f9f504b37fbc664e166f745daf12221a2: feat(cloud): Display username in quotas subcommand (#1462) (@craciunoiuc) ab47dddffb75b70a5e4ccb5ef650f7dc58ec74bc: feat(cloud): volume initialization via data import (#1500) (@antoineco) ef1c315077cdb7ee7dfc685d115054d443a6c974: feat(compose): Add pause and unpause commands (#1477) (@nderjung) 3d775175c79ec3c369ab63858a1e38455aa92695: feat(compose): Add service-level volumes (#1455) (@nderjung) 021c237541000b98d7e7a3a013bc731369aecd9d: feat(compose): Use compose V2 (#1478) (@nderjung) 2dfbc185f75bf243318b492a53f011764e7777e9: feat(ls): Improve project status granularity (#1464) (@nderjung) fdb3dde94c8025986b52506d9e945a6fd318d2da: feat(qemu): Support both ports and networks (#1501) (@nderjung) 3efa01da8323fd1958c3d78e9f9fb855ecfda5da: feat(up): Introduce detach flag (#1465) (@nderjung) 170eb1cf1cf59117f678ae41094725c14c360b21: feat: Add pause command (#1476) (@nderjung) 043b50221d4e1349b650a3769d2de6e4301c5171: feat: Add recommended VSCode settings (#1472) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes 2d456161dd1deb08aa6f39e0630dcf45ba5a8fa9: fix(action): Elevate group permissions if unknown UID:GID are used (#1487) (@nderjung) cea6b6e51c924e48eee22c40d701916393d95541: fix(bridge): Error out if not able to assign interface name (#1508) (@craciunoiuc) 27e5120acde53d1ad00ae0e0caa6382f078c4ca0: fix(cloud): mitigate ignored paraprogress.
March 27, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.1.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.1 (2024-03-26T18:52:55Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🐛 Bug Fixes 752a90c6d780070467ecad4f30e1ce746c3a4fb9: fix(deploy): Fix possible nil pointer for nil service groups (#1460) (@craciunoiuc) 74d7fb8599b8eb68374b4954ed3fa95ac575b991: fix(internal): Always append tag if missing (#1458) (@nderjung) 725f0f895a80fe53d678deed8aa4bca8e5e61571: fix(run): Don’t erase existing volumes when passing volume arg (#1454) (@nderjung) ba7d2305323dd836686c1dd5d37b1a9f93e48c7b: fix(webinstall): Fix repo link in install script (#1459) (@nderjung) 🐒 Miscellaneous 583f2d7e82f9d93080a3dc483e230adbf989a6a9: build: update kc sdk with merged byUUID/byName methods (#1457) (@nderjung)
March 26, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.0.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.8.0 (2024-03-25T21:28:57Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes c1af2258e87c463b3d8203e452c0718e288c233b: feat!: Named services & Log Pagination & Fixes (#1413) (@craciunoiuc) 8ff971a352f37774d3716d10dd5c32c6f29a94d4: style(internal)!: Switch to uniform ‘wait’ flag for start/stop (#1424) (@craciunoiuc) 🚀 New Features 9245ba614e8b25381320fe179db9a91eba9020a1: feat(compose): Introduce create, start, stop subcommands (#1398) (@nderjung) 8f6a71e36049ed2e1102a64e6f9dc8cc595e1be8: feat(internal): Add default timeout for process calls (#1453) (@craciunoiuc) 05738a327f68501ea09555fcaa2cb796a35384ed: feat(internal): Cache checking for updates for speed (#1436) (@craciunoiuc) 7d0468c8687404e0d49b6c29e90499ac211d65f2: feat(internal): Enable experimental rootfs compression (#1438) (@craciunoiuc) 8134a7091b6762b2767125c05329dfcdb5bc68c8: feat(internal): Introduce ‘kraft cloud compose’ up/down cmds (#1427) (@craciunoiuc) 413e34fac9647965ee8d12692f064fbc912949a3: feat: Introduce compose logs subcommand (#1379) (@nderjung) c2d3465aaafc1eb0762275cb02cc6d8c8ad97acd: feat: new service domains attribute for multi-dns (#1439) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes 82deacc3fa69439dd53e0c829d7f29901e9d63de: fix(cloud): suppressed API errors in delete responses (#1451) (@craciunoiuc) 6ceeeb28d8c618ca5b3ea96c1acbd81ff461b71f: fix(initrd): Also truncate initrd file if it exists (#1435) (@craciunoiuc) 634fe26aa3a0688b87c9c01ad3f2d406007eeee4: fix(internal): Adapt name check to new request API (#1452) (@craciunoiuc) c98ec79bd51f7ab93b2a9094f4c76d5120837767: fix(internal): Display kernel arguments also (#1431) (@craciunoiuc) f33d416601aaf111f63bfa150206e01070f535cc: fix(internal): Do not error on cancels (#1414) (@craciunoiuc) 47887f8549940d438232f9b75ac6392a7d2b740d: fix(internal): Do not error on empty flag (#1422) (@craciunoiuc) e7494bc4b86b2d42c8f656a023e65d1f055119bc: fix(internal): Require at least 1Mi for running (#1425) (@nderjung) da5a87243a834ade41572e156c11cddb1271c8e6: fix(internal): Several fixes to the rollout process (#1430) (@craciunoiuc) 1944fffec67cbe5aea3bcb8b71bef72a3188f9ec: fix(ukargparse): Split only first = of kernel args (#1408) (@craciunoiuc) d639e577ca6085e2127e23571ae713484edb9f07: fix(webinstall): Several fixes and features (#1412) (@nderjung) 🤖 Bumps d78086c7265a5a9fa7cf3a5a9ea2dc8e169e2f97: build(deps): Bump github.
March 4, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.12.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.12 (2024-03-04T15:44:44Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes fe137bda029a3f1bb748eeacbaf6b4ebe83a6e3e: feat(list)!: Expose --remote and --local flags (#1365) (@craciunoiuc) 9078443a9abf720afa0eb1d97a23fc7f141f5460: refactor(start)!: Stop the unikernel virtual machine on Ctrl+C (#1351) (@craciunoiuc) 🚀 New Features 50f6277f2a3faf956918a158e9837fa845159a2e: feat(compose): Add compose build subommand (#1135) (@nderjung) f0ffe985374142a05885963416c49a76e17a7eee: feat(oci): Adjustments to log-messages and small fixes (#1356) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes ea81a9842a46d1844e5bf4aaed26b4f279c937c7: fix(actions): Correctly escape variables in user-provided code (#1358) (@craciunoiuc) a61c919f99f64299c15c65c456888ec9cdf0bc79: fix(oci): Correct order of plat/arch in name (#1360) (@craciunoiuc) 153041e9870f651928508c2d7d59a95943d5c8e2: fix(oci): Correctly handle “fullrefs” without an identifier (#1359) (@craciunoiuc) 4b35d86783920ce832a547af460bd9400f651c54: fix(run): Adjust error message (#1361) (@craciunoiuc) 3197995f93991ba24aa370b95748bf4e7386f362: fix(run): Correct log message with existing machine name (#1363) (@craciunoiuc) dbee4fb3cd6f55cbb3ab765c0d5b563bff4c6a9f: fix(run): Improve filter and selection process of potential packages (#1348) (@craciunoiuc) 64cb63f8ccc8ba4d667c05b0baaca4a76c97bafb: fix(run): Improve selection and output of package runner (#1357) (@craciunoiuc) 531f3e86515f1112601b9f4f755f2745c1ea9145: fix(run): Warn early if the requested ports are used by another machine (#1353) (@craciunoiuc) 04410b9edc1ac19d766c2b82cd7fd39418ab1ff9: fix(tools): Correctly prepend Mac lines (#1362) (@nderjung) 3266c84fe437e7cf5cbdba476e924a75e74648ad: fix(workflows): Fix typo in webinstall workflow (#1366) (@nderjung) ab42ef77e694a6794f123172d8b76a39b49ba0c7: fix: wrong log messages (#1339) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps b99c58b342681282e7b122ecf38053f7f2f3c56a: build(deps): Bump taskmedia/action-conventional-commits from 1.
March 2, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.11.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.11 (2024-03-01T16:39:27Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 2073a39d8e865c96a2787d823e7c606b8755480f: feat(cloud): default to listing only user-owned images (#1328) (@craciunoiuc) ef41ba4b9db47ced3da0c85a65a159b31f20f677: feat(compose): Add basic networking support (#1044) (@nderjung) 56fbc053aebed0cca29bff994150600dd2126854: feat(create): Automatically assign subnet (#1313) (@nderjung) b6d96f8b4a76c9dda81c2bbc282a9c2bdaaa9884: feat(initrd): Dynamically instantiate BuildKit in container (#1338) (@craciunoiuc) eb6d4212ddb9242378c418926da6197f778ffc47: feat(internal): Switch to duration and rename ’timeout’ (#1332) (@craciunoiuc) a547227ee64d3f2b8e0fe04f24da98a810d67bdc: feat(workflows): Add webinstall workflow to push image (#1336) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes 0d922bcc8cf37419a97f662be1e0a1f10afaf646: fix(internal): Allow multiple arguments for fitting commands (#1334) (@craciunoiuc) 4b62188b18c0e3ec5915ed40d0cc7a9c83299951: fix(internal): Do not fail on missing token when populating (#1333) (@craciunoiuc) a7435a71a4fb0bd809f77484e1be162ff5513e36: fix(internal): Switch ‘instance start’ to use time (#1335) (@craciunoiuc) 8824a5186a401bcb3a56eb4849d8199f3d71637e: fix(processtree): Correct logic to determine when to show logs (#1337) (@craciunoiuc) 🐒 Miscellaneous 65e6c0efa6f8a951267784f12123cee1dd89cde0: perf: simplify digest sort (#1327) (@craciunoiuc)
February 29, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.10.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.10 (2024-02-28T16:41:19Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 151b93756f8a295324b8ad8b60ce6ab94a41139c: feat(pkg): Add debug log entry for selected packager (#1319) (@craciunoiuc) e01f18e6a7e009aeeeea379885a7c647d8ccefda: feat(pkg): Add warning about unset --plat and --arch flag (#1317) (@craciunoiuc) c1af71fd932ffc734d2b6cc15af1162f798c26c9: feat(ps): Colorize machine state (#1320) (@craciunoiuc) 0f7a4d3f9b4db73401f184c7905e02d2e4f8029c: feat: Wrap machine create/start/log-related err messages (#1321) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes ebfb1c5483d4749fb26ab2c06c99746295fd1086: fix(action): Add random suffix for uniqueness (#1311) (@nderjung) 1f12659898ee3b562790dd8f82c50abf0b011911: fix(config): Write auth back to global config (#1314) (@nderjung) 7ed36d822d917e4b4ca13a3f5bbae83d4acc35e5: fix(pkg): Correct packager name (#1318) (@craciunoiuc) b56aa9b6d67b710bb33fe26f58d0ca966e537ad6: fix(qemu): Clean up state dir and log file when removing (#1325) (@craciunoiuc) 27eeb876cf1caa6039792a68cea560b723d06f5f: fix(qemu): Do not set the new state to unknown (#1323) (@craciunoiuc) abc92505a0a0f8c740e9eba0daf33b0cf7097b29: fix(qemu): Handle non-existent QMP monitor file (#1322) (@craciunoiuc) fc799ff8b1c87ef8613ba1748230f8a9dc9c86a9: fix(qemu): Prevent possible duplicate and nil-exception list (#1324) (@craciunoiuc) c85ae70bf5828120520150c32fb6ab4afd4a20e4: fix: Better handling of package runtimes (#1316) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps d686aa2c8eac90f5c076d8259ad8d0097f060b0a: gomod(deps): Bump ‘golangci-lint’ to latest version (#1315) (@nderjung) 50b711e0c6158775c7339dfd284929388f8eca73: gomod(deps): Bump ‘sdk.
February 28, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.9.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.9 (2024-02-27T17:42:59Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 5a840078abc0b0eb72a926cf6b37672bd844d86a: feat(internal): Expose --token similar to --metro (#1308) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes 66898727edf3c16ef98bff1a7726cdc32add409c: fix(bridge): Use user provided network mask (#1307) (@nderjung) d13f39e9f4b1673a7b58a177b413fadc4cdb4fe1: fix(internal): Add missing token to request (#1310) (@nderjung) 244672fb21bda4550fe123e793f27d42812c6637: fix(internal): Correctly define argument range (#1303) (@craciunoiuc) 5bc7e3b22f6f1cedd1b4deb530586b55ad1af7d8: fix(internal): Enable creation of private instances (#1309) (@craciunoiuc) 2f5259c209c152897bf6606d36ef9b47fe49273a: fix(internal): Switch listing from ‘us’ to ‘ms’ (#1306) (@craciunoiuc) 9bc10b729bc63c8c27818250fbd9e58a1669cc2f: fix(webinstall): Prepend Mac init lines (#1304) (@craciunoiuc)
February 27, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.8.
This action is used across all versions by ? repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.8 (2024-02-26T16:56:07Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features d4b180a8b0ed871040608e9e2c107121bfd110f6: feat(net): Prevent removing networks that are in use (#1112) (@nderjung) ef31675b1c86e735947d810981004ce868eedf94: feat(tools): Add completions to install script (#1301) (@craciunoiuc) 6d55c29f9950302952d11fb04d9371d028f1f67f: feat: Add incomplete policy step functionality (#1292) (@nderjung) 🐛 Bug Fixes 4624af6e17c9f27e46dccaa7992f6826aafde07c: fix(internal): Also display Private FQDN (#1296) (@craciunoiuc) 8f728c641204384d9300da9108c894ee9bff3766: fix(internal): Cloud commands argument fixes (#1302) (@craciunoiuc) 731a963c3a0d3ae59eef6adc69e3052cc39766f4: fix(internal): Correctly enable command auto completion (#1300) (@craciunoiuc) c309283ea13cb850ea781f60deaee52f2c62d012: fix(internal): Document ’list’ output method and replace ‘full’ (#1294) (@felipehuici) 4eb17b13e17a264dc82c2bbcc04c0c64ca33d44c: fix(internal): Fully print Created At when not using -o table (#1295) (@craciunoiuc) 9cc4a1cc74d012d209d2aec6da76ce6682008f81: fix(pkg): Small fixes (#1299) (@craciunoiuc) ea000a92befae93dfceb24392ca46e108527827a: fix(run): Correctly handle, 1, greater than 1, and zero packages (#1297) (@craciunoiuc) 4286b9e829bfca2eea45ea2f50549eb6bdb6d657: fix(run): Fix spelling mistake in error message (#1298) (@craciunoiuc) e74d33cfcd94290c30a38ffbc7073f235770e438: fix(webinstall): Correct path to tarball for darwin (#1289) (@craciunoiuc) e0f401586b4634da2ba7337c7bf6cd349ecdd193: fix: Correctly remove images and warn only (#1291) (@nderjung) 🤖 Bumps c4ed2dfc9efbad173274f0426dd2fe64c0e6fba8: gomod(deps): Bump kraftkit.
February 21, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.7.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.7 (2024-02-21T14:39:23Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 51e4404214c4304c9902bcfec58c9e05e13b7273: feat(oci): Introduce lightweight name check (#1285) (@craciunoiuc) d9d9e9d6d0e0e482e169bc73f7c5e8a3f37978d1: feat(pkg): Remove unbuilt targets from multi select prompt (#1288) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes a110c44b94b37a95c2febc36d7aa36bccd078e1a: fix(oci): Correctly handle original cmdline (#1287) (@craciunoiuc)
February 9, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.5.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.5 (2024-02-09T15:46:20Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 751a52d44a00fb9942c698b875032156003167cd: feat(internal): Expose private ip/fqdn when pretty printing (#1232) (@craciunoiuc) 🐛 Bug Fixes d883705a4ba3af3ee79db079134805761b81007f: fix(internal): Repair & enhance quotas printing (#1231) (@craciunoiuc) 73e96827b4c894902f284a869259ad967b2701af: fix(logtail): Correctly find null prefix (#1229) (@nderjung) 2e1c9f0a06d3466c033bde7be8b4c87cf5f555de: fix(webinstall): Correctly pass brew install command (#1226) (@nderjung) 🐒 Miscellaneous 72614779f150a9088b1bed67d5b1e7c5bdb422f5: style(internal): Ensure all cmds have long/example/aliases (#1228) (@craciunoiuc) fd46ffff51e9f1b88bb79dd3547b5f8397ecc1a5: style(internal): Fix examples and format them (#1216) (@nderjung)
February 7, 2024
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.4.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.4 (2024-02-06T07:56:35Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog 🚀 New Features 5307e97ba7ad16079af6037061d9bd88132e0c3f: feat(api): Add compose to Zip Api (#1151) (@nderjung) ab028552ed55e75afb325d6eee01d732ef490807: feat(buildenvs): Add KRAFTKIT_VERSION as build-arg to github-action (#1190) (@craciunoiuc) 78772ab4dcf606ec2384e33f2fbc975f7d17517c: feat(buildenvs): Install zip and jq in the action (#1204) (@nderjung) c3d5de9b5bf5f14019fa737e2691e95cbef5f567: feat(compose): Add kraft compose command (#1024) (@nderjung) b491122d6248eb82c5b24698d8d832af11036027: feat: Add kraft cloud scale subcommands and bump go-sdk (#1208) (@nderjung) f5a395cfbb8be3fc4070cca08f6ed67e0b65a6d8: feat: Introduce run and dbg attribute to GitHub Action (#1185) (@razvand) 🐛 Bug Fixes e2853f62da54fb7ba7e1409da13d2389570b0413: fix(README): Update to new icon location (#1186) (@craciunoiuc) 5bc242f4b784b8546068fdf7fac460a250c97f8b: fix(actions): Set the working directory (#1189) (@craciunoiuc) af74468e79ddb9a4ad25812e78dee5ef841b87ca: fix(internal): Use correct port for NGINX (#1183) (@nderjung) 2aa81161a5893d5d464f58e99611f79a9f38594f: fix(runtime): Set version if provided via colon delimeter (#1215) (@craciunoiuc) 493de6f3a7a856ab8fc3c036e62d3137f04808f0: fix: Better handling of colors in GitHub Actions (#1217) (@craciunoiuc) 🤖 Bumps 7a9597c6abaa19f4edf0e5bd43d902cd9350125e: build(deps): Bump github.
December 11, 2023
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.1.
This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.1 (2023-12-11T09:00:45Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
November 8, 2023
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.7.0.
This action is used across all versions by 5 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.7.0 (2023-11-08T02:09:50Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking Changes 3b0fa067b95c844667bee156daddd596d58ea63c: feat!: Introduce OCI multi-image index manifests (#873) (@craciunoiuc) 28188d17dc69c9af6c49d2847b7cc3cc438dd3d6: feat!: Upgrade Kraftfile specification to v0.6 (#757) (@craciunoiuc) bb138e49d5a6707f25648f7726117c12024f1c58: feat(build)!: Invert --no-pull to --force-pull (#889) (@craciunoiuc) edb2ffddf655a6eba908a73c3b2d953ca85b5889: feat(oci)!
August 25, 2023
Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.6.5.
This publisher is shown as ‘verified’ by GitHub. This action is used across all versions by 0 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes KraftKit v0.6.5 (2023-08-25T15:54:53Z) This is a stable release of kraftkit.
Changelog ⚠️ Breaking changes fix(pull)!: Change flag to be consistent & add registry usage (#746) (0836c85) feat(run)!: Disable QEMU preamble and add option to show it (#656) (c6f82ab) feat!