Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “tomo-kn”
January 1, 2024
Version updated for tomo-kn/openai-issue-reviewer to version v1.0.0.
This action is used across all versions by ? repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes Introducing openai-issue-reviewer v1.0.0: Streamline Your GitHub Issue Review Process
We are excited to announce the release of openai-issue-reviewer v1.0.0, a powerful GitHub Action designed to automate and enhance the issue reviewing process on GitHub repositories. This action leverages OpenAI’s advanced language models to provide insightful and context-aware reviews for GitHub issues.
December 31, 2023
Version updated for tomo-kn/openai-issue-reviewer to version v0.1.5.
This action is used across all versions by ? repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes fix: use @vercel/ncc(lib -> dist)