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October 3, 2023
Metrics embed
Version updated for lowlighter/metrics to version v3.34.
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Release notes 📦 New features 👨💻 Lines of code changed Add plugin_lines_delay option to mitigate empty results on first query #1530 (Use this option to automatically perform a second request if you encounter zeroed-diffs values) 🧰 Fixes and documentation chore: upgrade dependencies docs(steam): correct plugin_steam_user example (#1413, @CCXXXI) fix(community/template): quickstart fix(plugins/achievements): update total data acquisition method (#1487, @TonyCrane) fix(plugins/achievements): find pre-2007 activity (#1493, @LucasLarson) fix(plugins/achievements): fix progress of rank A (#1430, @TonyCrane) fix(app/utils): don’t die on undefined file type buffer fix(app/utils): pie graph when less than 3 values fix(plugin/achievements): use graphql first for initial setup and fix regex