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March 24, 2024
Go Coverage
Version updated for gwatts/go-coverage-action to version v2.0.0.
This action is used across all versions by 0 repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes This update provide the following (should be no breaking changes):
Update to Node 20 (thanks @marians) Adds test-pkgs option to explicitly specify packages to test (thanks @khasanovbi) Adds notes-ref option to set an explicit reference to use for git notes instead of the default of gocoverage (thanks @raleksandar) Adds coverage outputs rounded to 1 or 2 decimal places which makes it easier to produce better formatted badges, etc - See coverage-pct-0dp, coverage-pct-1dp, coverage-last-pct-0dp, coverage-last-pct-1dp