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April 16, 2024
IP whitelist on HetznerFW
Version updated for adnanjaw/ip-whitelist-on-hetznerfw to version v2.
This action is used across all versions by ? repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes Full Changelog:
April 16, 2024
IP whitelist on HetznerFW
Version updated for adnanjaw/ip-whitelist-on-hetznerfw to version v1.
This action is used across all versions by ? repositories. Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes This GitHub Action automates the process of whitelisting an IP address on Hetzner Firewall before SSH deployment. It allows you to specify the firewall name, direction of traffic (inbound or outbound), protocol (e.g., TCP, UDP), and port range for traffic. This action helps streamline the deployment process by ensuring that only trusted IP addresses have access to your Hetzner server.