Build unikernel images with Unikraft
Version updated for unikraft/kraftkit to version v0.8.1.
- This action is used across all versions by 6 repositories.
Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes
KraftKit v0.8.1 (2024-03-26T18:52:55Z)
This is a stable release of kraftkit.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- 752a90c6d780070467ecad4f30e1ce746c3a4fb9: fix(deploy): Fix possible nil pointer for nil service groups (#1460) (@craciunoiuc)
- 74d7fb8599b8eb68374b4954ed3fa95ac575b991: fix(internal): Always append tag if missing (#1458) (@nderjung)
- 725f0f895a80fe53d678deed8aa4bca8e5e61571: fix(run): Don’t erase existing volumes when passing volume arg (#1454) (@nderjung)
- ba7d2305323dd836686c1dd5d37b1a9f93e48c7b: fix(webinstall): Fix repo link in install script (#1459) (@nderjung)
🐒 Miscellaneous
- 583f2d7e82f9d93080a3dc483e230adbf989a6a9: build: update kc sdk with merged byUUID/byName methods (#1457) (@nderjung)