Version updated for kitsuyui/happy-commit to version v0.9.
- This action is used across all versions by 24 repositories.
Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes
What’s Changed
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/86
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.5 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/89
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.40.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/88
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/91
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.5 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/90
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.57 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/92
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.7 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/93
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.8 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/94
- Set minimal permissions by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/96
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.9 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/97
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.58 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/98
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/99
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.10 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/100
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.12 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/101
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v5.0.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/95
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.13 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/102
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.59 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/103
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.41.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/104
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.14 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/105
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.7 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/106
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.60 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/108
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v5.0.5 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/107
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.15 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/109
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.16 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/110
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.61 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/112
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.8 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/111
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.2 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/113
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.42.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/116
- Migrate to node v18 by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/117
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v5.0.6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/115
- update tsconfig by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/118
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.1.3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/114
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.62 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/119
- Move renovate config to .github/renovate.json5 by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/120
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/122
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.57.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/124
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.9 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/123
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v6.0.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/125
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.17 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/126
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.59.10 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/127
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.18 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/129
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.63 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/128
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.64 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/130
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.43.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/132
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.60.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/135
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.65 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/134
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v6.0.3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/133
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v6.0.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/137
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.66 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/136
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.58.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/138
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.60.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/139
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.1.5 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/140
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.1.6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/142
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.67 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/141
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v29.1.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/143
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.61.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/146
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.44.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/145
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.19 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/144
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v29.6.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/147
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v29.6.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/150
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/149
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.68 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/148
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6 (major) by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/153
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.3 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/151
- Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 by @dependabot in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/154
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-unused-imports to v3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/155
- chore: Add comment and update dist by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/156
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.69 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/157
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.59.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/159
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.45.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/158
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/160
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.1.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/152
- fix(deps): update dependency @octokit/action to v6.0.5 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/162
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.70 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/161
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/jest to v0.2.27 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/163
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.16.20 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/164
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/165
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/166
- chore: Add doc comments by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/167
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.2.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/168
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.71 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/169
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/170
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.72 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/175
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.28.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/173
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.9.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/172
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v29.6.2 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/171
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.46.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/174
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/176
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.73 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/178
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.2.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/177
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.74 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/179
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.0.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/180
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.2 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/182
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.10.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/181
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/183
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9 by @renovate-bot in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/185
- Fix: GitHub Workflow trigger by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/188
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/jest to v0.2.28 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/189
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.3.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/190
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.75 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/191
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/192
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-import-resolver-typescript to v3.6.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/193
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.76 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/194
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.5 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/196
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/jest to v0.2.29 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/197
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.47.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/195
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/198
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.4.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/199
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.0.2 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/200
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.77 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/201
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.78 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/202
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/203
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.28.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/204
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/205
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.4.1 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/207
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v29.6.3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/206
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.8 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/208
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v29.5.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/209
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.9 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/210
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.11 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/213
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.2.2 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/212
- chore(deps): update dependency jest to v29.6.4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/211
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.80 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/214
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/217
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.60.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/215
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.12 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/218
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.0.3 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/220
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.5.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/219
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.81 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/221
- chore(deps): update dependency @swc/core to v1.3.82 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/222
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.13 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/223
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18.17.14 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/224
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/225
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6.6.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/227
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 - autoclosed by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/226
- chore(deps): update dependency @vercel/ncc to ^0.38.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/228
- Don’t need to specify both of pull_request and push by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/229
- Migrate to pnpm by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/230
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.61.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/231
- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/232
- Revert “chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4” by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/233
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/234
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/235
- fix(deps): update dependency @actions/github to v6 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/236
- Install gitignore-in gitignore-in is a tool to generate .gitignore files from .gitignore.in file. by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/239
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/238
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-json-schema to ^0.62.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/237
- chore(deps): update gitignore-in/gh-action action to v0.2.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/241
- Update .gitignore by @github-actions in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/242
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/243
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/244
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/245
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20 by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/246
- chore(deps): lock file maintenance by @renovate in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/247
- Update Node.js (Use v20) by @kitsuyui in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/248
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/154
- @renovate-bot made their first contribution in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/185
- @github-actions made their first contribution in https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/pull/242
Full Changelog: https://github.com/kitsuyui/happy-commit/compare/v0.8...v0.9