Version updated for lrstanley/helm-version-updater to version v1.0.4.
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- This action is used across all versions by 3 repositories.
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Release notes
:broom: Misc
- 91c756dbbc1ac62747df7131c32b0fbc8788222f: fix: outputs pointing to wrong step output (@lrstanley)
:test_tube: Build info
- :open_file_folder: Full changelog:
- :heart: Built with:
go version go1.21.3 linux/amd64
- :gear: Release job: release/go-release triggered by @lrstanley.
:speech_balloon: What to do next?
- :raising_hand_man: Running into an issue or want a specific feature? Take a look here!
- :watch: Find previous releases.
- :old_key: Find a vulnerability? Check out our Security and Disclosure policy.
- :link: Other useful links: