Setup Cloe
Version updated for fabasoad/setup-cloe-action to version v0.1.2.
- This publisher is shown as ‘verified’ by GitHub.
- This action is used across all versions by ? repositories.
Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes
- 2f43c0d Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#13)
- 833c778 Remove IssueHunt and OpenCollective from FUNDING.yml (#12)
- 4b0816b Update pre-commit badge (#11)
- 105bd03 Add rhysd/actionlint pre-commit hook (#10)
- 9389e9e Bump FantasticFiasco/action-update-license-year from 2 to 3 (#8)
- 25b98c0 Bump adrienverge/yamllint from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 (#9)
- be19145 Add “Update license” workflow (#7)