MkDocs Simple action
Version updated for athackst/mkdocs-simple-plugin to version v3.1.0.
- This publisher is shown as ‘verified’ by GitHub.
- This action is used across all versions by 34 repositories.
Go to the GitHub Marketplace to find the latest changes.
Release notes
Get it
Install it with pip
pip install mkdocs-simple-plugin==3.1.0
See it on pypi:
Pull it with docker
docker pull althack/mkdocs-simple-plugin:v3.1.0
See it on dockerhub:
- name: Build docs
uses: athackst/mkdocs-simple-plugin:v3.1.0
See it in the actions marketplace:
What’s Changed
:rocket: New
- Update action to use site_dir in the command line (#572) @athackst
- Don’t copy by default, add option to enable instead. (#570) @athackst
- Rename config options to simplify (#569) @athackst
- Drop support for EOL Python 3.7 (#551) @athackst
:bug: Bug Fixes
- Return ignore_hidden functionality (#573) @athackst
:toolbox: Maintenance
- Use inline params dataclass (#571) @athackst
- Fix minor spacing issue (#568) @athackst
- Separate bump and push (#567) @athackst
- Minor updates to fix spacing. (#566) @athackst
- Fix unit tests and update to latest mkdocs (#557) @athackst
Dependency Updates
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.21 to 9.2.3 (#565) @dependabot
- Bump pyfakefs from 5.2.3 to 5.2.4 (#563) @dependabot
- Bump mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 (#562) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 (#561) @dependabot
- Bump cairosvg from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (#560) @dependabot
- Bump mkdocs-macros-plugin from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 (#559) @dependabot
- Bump mkdocs from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (#558) @dependabot